Meet our friends, old and new! At Jimmy Joy we've seen a lot of human beings do a lot of awesome stuff. So throughout the years, we've made a friend or two. Plenny Shakes, Twenny Bars, and Plenny Drinks have helped them to save time to focus on the things they love.

Guy Droog
Guy Droog is a personal trainer, entrepreneur and blogger. Plenny Shake Active is his favorite meal shake of choice. Oh, and he's also famous for being on the cover of Men's Health.
Dascha Willemsen
Dascha is a certified dietician and helps her clients to create and maintain healthy diets. She consults with a holistic view to work towards the right results together with her clients. The end result is a healthier lifestyle.
Renee Dijkhuis
Renee climbed Africa’s highest mountain with Plenny Shake as her main food source. We fueled her trip to help her raise money for War Child. She told us that she still drinks a Plenny Shake during her lunch.
Jordy Huisman
Jordy is a music producer with Kriss Kross Amsterdam. You might know them from the international hit single "Sex", which got into top 10 charts around the globe.
Achmed Akkabi
Achmed is an actor, writer and occasional presenter. He's best known for his roles in movies like Mocro Mafia (2018) and Soof 2 (2016). Plenny Drink is his product of choice.
Lize Korpershoek
Lize, a YouTuber and all-round creative, says: “I save myself from feeling too reluctant to cook and save a lot of kitchen-cleaning-time”. We agree.
Scipio Houtman
Scipio is an athlete competing in the 49'er division (two man boat). He was part of the Youth Olympian Sailers in 2014. His favorite meal on the water is a Plenny Drink.
Mark Slats
Mark crushed the World Record of solo rowing across the Atlantic Ocean by 5 days. Plenny Shakes provided him with enough energy during the world's toughest row.
Nauti Buoys
The Nauti Buoys broke the World Record with a five-man strong team. With one bag of Plenny Shake a day they had minimal waste, complete nutrition, and sufficient hydration.
Jacolien Ruizendaal
Jacolien is a running enthusiast and documents her journey on running and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. She loves Jimmy Joy before or after training sessions. She competes on a national level.
Justin Reid-Ross
Justin is a South African field hockey player. He competed at the 2012 Summer Olympics for the national team and now plays for Amsterdam's oldest field hockey club. He loves Plenny Shake Active and Plenny Drinks before and after training sessions.
Marius Kitowski
Marius is a successful Austrian slackliner winning multiple European slacklining events, such us the German National Championship. Next to that, he enjoys other sports like skiing, surfing, swimming, and strength training. Twenny Bars accompany his busy lifestyle.
Karel van Goor
Karel is a professional snowboarder. He really loves the Twenny Bars for his training sessions on slopes around the world.
Friedrich Kühne
Friedi holds multiple World Records in solo highline walking. While walking the highlines Friedi loves Twenny Bars and Plenny Drinks.
Gino Lamers
Gino is a men's physique athlete and online fitness coach. He's a big fan of Plenny Shake Active as it helps him to achieve his body goals.
Tim van Alst
Tim is a personal fitness coach. He loves helping people achieve their body goals. He's been a fan of Jimmy Joy for years and loves a Twenny Bar whenever he can get his hands on one.
Chris Teeken
Chris is a super positive personal trainer that loves to get the most out of his clients. His main focus is helping people to achieve their body goals.
Jan Hilgers
Jan is an allround creative and loves to go to the gym. He's been using Plenny Shake to reach his own body goals and has been a happy promotor ever since.
Auke Muller
Auke is a crossfit enthusiast and crossfit coach. He's competing on a national level in The Netherlands. He's been using Plenny Shake Active to get the right nutrients after intense session in his crossfit box.
Roel Bruinhof
Roel is competing on a national level in The Netherlands. Next to that, he coaches crossfit enthusiasts at his crossfit box. He usually devours Plenny Shake Active bags after his training sessions.
Melvin Schol
Melvin became World Champion Jiu Jitsu in 2015 and is a Dutch judo champion. He's also a personal coach when it comes to exercise and nutrition. Plenny Shakes have supported him in his fight towards the world title.
Heiko Schenk
Heiko is a professional FPV Drone Racer and one of the best in the world. The drones accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in less than one second and can fly up to 200km/h. To keep focussed Heiko loves Plenny Drinks and Twenny Bars.